New Year Scraps Happy New Year!! I hope 2014 is the best one yet for you all. Sarah xXx ...
I can not believe how fast this year flown. It truly has gone so, so fast!! 2013 hasn't been a bad year I guess. It's had it's up and it's had it's downs. Full of smiles and of course, frowns, too! In January, we had lots of snow!! The kids loved the snow We also decorated the kids bedrooms. Harry and Charlie's room...
Last year I read (I think) 28 or 30 books. I need to add some books to my book list, that I did actually read but forgot to add! Argh! I didn't get to read all the books on my list for one reason or another, there were a few I just couldn't get into for some reason. In 2014 I plan on...
The kids were SO excited Christmas eve. We left snacks out for Father Christmas and his reindeer's along with the magic key & a glass of milk! The kids woke up in the morning to find that Father Christmas had nibbled on his snacks and drank the whole glass of milk! "He sure was thirsty" said Ellie. Charlie noticed that the reindeer's had...
It's Christmas eve and the kids are so excited! Everyone is excited. We're getting ready to leave snacks our for father Christmas and the reindeer's. Not forgetting Santa's Secret Squirrels. We had a fab Christmas eve. We've watched Christmas movies, ate some nice treats and had lots of fun! We all also opened a present each, (that Santa dropped off early! ;)). We all...
Today we made some home made Christmas decorations. Making Christmas decorations is one of our Christmas traditions. We do it every year. Last year we made salt dough ornaments. I LOVE to see home made Christmas ornaments and decorations on my tree. Especially ones my little ones have made. It just wouldn't be the same without them! Not that the boys were...
We received an RC Moto from IWOOT to review. This little mini motorbike is a remote control motorbike which chargers via USB. Fifteen minutes of charge allows you to play with the motorbike for fifteen minutes. This little motorbike can perform wheelies and many stunts and it goes quite fast, too. Charlie and Harry really loves the way it does wheelies, they were...
Many of my regular readers and followers know how much my little ones love arts and crafts. We were sent this lovely sand art sample to review from Kids Bee Happy. The pack contained - Ten sand art pens A4 picture to colour in with sand A4 picture to colour in with sand Two plastic sleeves (to hold the pictures in once finished)...
(don't mind the Christmas tree box, I'd just finished putting the tree up lol) ...
It's been a really busy couple of weeks here. What with Christmas coming up and everything. The kids Christmas plays were this week. Three indivudual plays - the boys at junior school, Charlie's year first, then Harry's year the following day. Both were based on the 'Christingle' story. Which I have never heard before! So that was cool to learn something new and...
Phew! What a busy week. Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week.. 1) It's almost Christmas. Not many sleeps left until Christmas day! We've out our Christmas tree up & had lots of fun making Christmas cards. We are all very excited for Christmas, especially my little's. I am so looking forward to seeing there faces when they open there pressies,...
This weeks #TheGallery theme is Christmas Tree. Yay! Pictures don';t really do my Christmas tree any justice. But it is very pretty and looks amazing with the LED Christmas Lights. I love my owl decorations, too! So cute and sparkly, hehe. We decorated our tree in blue, gold and red this year. Although other bits have since been added and rearranged by the kids...
So back in September we got a new kitten. We got him from a cat (charity) rescue place. He's been absolutely fine until the last month or so. A little on the small side but healthy and happy. We think he had cat flu, got antibiotics for that. He seemed to get better but as soon as the antibiotics ran out... he was...
Who doesn't love chocolate? Especially at this time of year. So when I was asked if I'd like to review Hotel Chocolate I of course said yes!! I chose the The Sleekster Classic Christmas Selection box of chocolates to review. A little something for myself to try for a change. A nice adult treat! I love the box the chocolates came in....
My children are massive angry birds fans. Especially my middle son, Charlie who is eight years old! Anything to do with angry birds has his attention and the Angry birds, the great egg hunt pull out and play book most certainly had his attention! "The birds have discovered a map showing them the location of their precious stolen eggs! All they have to...