I liked up with the lovely Mich over at Mummy from the heart. It's been a bit of a hectic week again, not as bad as last week though, thank goodness. Here are my rasons to be cheerful this week: 1) January is almost over. I seriously dislike this month. It's always depressing after Christmas, no one has much money and everything is a...
I'm still ill, ugh. I have a rotten cold but at least the sore throat has gone! Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow! I woke up last night at 2am with a terrible headache, seriously it wasn't good. I don't know whether it's because I'm ill or because the pressure around my brain is building up again (I suffer with idiopathic intercranial hypertension) and...
YAY I was tagged by AliceInWonderland. The award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve acknowledgement and encouragement to keep on blogging The rules are as follows: 1. List 11 facts about yourself. 2. Answer the 11 questions given to you. 3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award. 4. Thank the person who nominated...
My first time doing Saturday caption post. I hope it's ok to join in! This photo was taken in the summer 2012, Jubilee week! (one of my favourite photos of all kiddies together - doesn't happen very often lol!) ...
1) Tomorrow is Friday! I can't wait for this week to be over! (I'll write about it in another post later or tomorrow) 2) The snow is nearly gone! Woohoo. Alhough it was very fun playing in the snow and it really did look very pretty, I am glad it's gone (and I hope it stays away now lol). It was chaos doing...
Yesterday it was snowing all day. Only lightly though. In all honesty I didn't expect to have so much! I suppose we had about 5-6cm maybe a little more. I wrapped the kids up warm ans we went and had some fun in the snow! The kiddies didn't have school today because of the snow, which meant more playing in the snow! The...
My book list is: here. Is It Just Me? By Miranda Hart I am HUGE Miranda fan, I absolutely love her! She is so funny. Love her T.V series and any other program she is involved in, especially Call The Midwife where Miranda plays Chummy I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I read it within a day! In her book 'Is it just me' she asks her readers if...
First, I must say that I don't mean to compare it to 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' but it is *so* much like that book. Just better written. This book is well written, it is very erotic. It does have a wonderful story. Eva moves to Manhattan as she has a new job there. She moved with his best friend Cary. She soon bumps into Gideon,...
Golly gosh! This week has been one busy week! Again. It's great to be busy though, I prefer being busy than bored! Or at least bored of the same thing (usually housework, whihc of course I still had to do, lol. It does make it more tolerable though when there are things besides housework to do.) So my reasons to be cheerful this...
I really don't want to give too much away, I'm sorry if this is vague. This is the second book in the 'crossfire' series. The first book being Bared To You. I really liked both books. A lot. I'm not going to lie though, this series does resemble 50 shades of grey trilogy in SO many ways (I liked the 50 shades trilogy, too)....
Gosh, it has been one busy weekend! Friday we painted & glossed the boys room. Put there bunk beds up in there room - that was awkward because there really wasn't much room to move around to actually put them up, we managed though. We put Ellies new mid sleeper bed up today, put all her things in her new room, that took...
What has made me happy this week? Hmmm. 1) The kids went back to school Tuesday! While I love them being home, not having to rush around and fit everything in while they're at school.. not to mention the schools runs was lovely but gosh, I was pleased when they DID get go back and for the holidays to be over. It's nice...
This week is going to be a busy week! The children go back to school tomorrow which means I can finally get this house is order and organise! Seriously the kids rooms are jam packed with toys and clothes they got for Christmas. I need to throw out/donate the toys they no longer play with (as now they have new toys) and go...
Is It Just Me? By Miranda Hart I am HUGE Miranda fan, I absolutely love her! She is so funny. Love her T.V series and any other program she is involved in, especially Call The Midwife where Miranda plays Chummy I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I read it within a day! In her book 'Is it just me' she asks her readers if they've done embarrassing things like she...
I am linking up with Mama Owl to take part in the 50 Book Challenge (#50books2013). My aim this year is to read 50 books and blog my thoughts about each book! Here is my list to read so far: (In no particular order and such a random list) Is It Just Me - Miranda Hart Bared to you (#1) Sylvia Day Reflected in you (#2) - Sylvia...
You can contact me by emailing me at: Sarahsparklez@hotmail.com Would you like to follow me on Twitter? @OoSerzoO You can follow me on Pinterest: Sarah Sparkelz You can 'Like' me on Facebook. You can also subscribe to my blog via email subscription can be found in the right side>> Between the top and the middle >>> Also via GFC which is also over >> there >> You...
Wow, I just gave my blog a makeover, thanks to my friend Mama Owl for the banner etc and I finally have my own button. I can not thank Julie enough!! I still need to add a view things, links & sort the background out. One of my goals this year is to blog more, I also would love to do more reviews, I really...
First of all, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and new year! We had a fab Christmas and new year and I plan on doing my Christmas post this coming weekend. I've been away for a week so I haven't been able to update. But I promise there are a few posts coming soon! So for now here are my reasons...