
#50Books2013 July round up.

Welcome to the July #50books2013 round up. I'm hosting this months round up as Julie over at Mamaowl has been on holiday and celebrating her daughters birthday  I've just finished reading my 24th book! However, I'm not sure how much time I will have during the summer holidays to read! We shall see!  Bubbablueandme is on top of her reading! She has read a few books...

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arts and crafts

Keeping the kids entertained for free (or cheap)

I thought I would share my ideas on how to entertain children this summer. We all know how bored the kids get during the summer holidays. It's all very well going on holidays and days out but that gets very expensive! So I thought I would share with you some of my ideas to keep children entertained this summer. We try to make...

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age 9


H copied & painted this at school  Not bad for a nine year old!  One to frame, I think!  ...

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British summer

How we've been enjoying the weather recently... #Countrykids

So the first week of the summer holidays is almost over (although, my 3 littles didn't break up until this past Tuesday). We really haven't done THAT much yet because I've not felt too great and it has been just TOO hot. We have been enjoying plenty of walks and visits to the park after school though last week. Next week we do...

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British summer

Reasons to be cheerful (week 30) #R2BC

I know, I know, I am late posting this week but yesterday I had a really crappy day. I was diagnosed with an acid reflux. That's a post for another day though, honestly I don't want to go into right now. Plus Reasons to be cheerful is a cheerful post! So let's see what are my reasons to be cheerful this week... 1)...

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Blog hop

Childhood memories #Linky

Childhood memories.. we all have them. Some good, some sad, some happy, some bad.  I didn't have the best childhood but I'd prefer not to go into that, as most of you know I tend not to write too many personal posts in my public blog. However, I do want to share some my good memories from my childhood. I also linked this...

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Radical Reward Charts Review.

Amanda from Radical Reward Charts sent Harry (aged 9), Charlie (aged 8) & Ellie (aged 5) each a reward chart to review.  Ellie chose the 'Wacky Wildlife' one Harry chose the 'Gruesome Graveyard'  And Charlie chose the 'Creepy Crawlies' chart.   The radical reward charts are not like any other reward charts. There are six designs to choose from just £14 each including delivery. They are reusable so you...

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July Book Reviews #50books2013

Entwined With you - Sylvia Day (crossfire #3) "From the moment I first met Gideon Cross, I recognized something in him that I needed. Something I couldn’t resist. I saw the dangerous and damaged soul inside–so much like my own. I was drawn to it. I needed him as surely as I needed my heart to beat.No one knows how much he risked...

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British summer

Computer problems.

I've borrowed a friends computer quickly to write this post. Argh! The internet on my laptop doesn't work, which is odd because when I connect my phone or tablet to the router it works just fine! I'm going to get someone to format my laptop and start again...I hope that works. So if I'm MIA for a while you know why! Anyway, today...

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age 5

Saturday is caption day - Missing tooth? #SatCap

My baby girl lost a tooth this morning! Yay!  ...

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Blog hop

Reasons to be cheerful (week 29) #R2BC

Gosh hasn't it been warm?! We are level 2 heatwave where I live! It truly has been so hot. I open my back door first thing in the morning and the heat just hits... It's lovely but not so great at night time when I'm trying to sleep, lol. Anyhow, here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:  1) End of the...

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old pic

Old pictures #TheGallery

I'm new to this blog hop so please bare with me.  The theme this week is Into the Archives. So I decide I'd share an old photo of me, when I was a child. Just eight years old. It's one of the best days I remember from my childhood. I was a bridesmaid at my uncle and aunties wedding, along with my little sister...

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Fresh Gourmet Salad Challenge

Fresh Gourmet is the worlds number one selling brand for salad toppings. The number one brand in USA has now launched in the U.K. Selling there lovely Fresh Gourmet Croutons in Tesco stores. Fresh Gourmet offers a very wide range of salad toppings. Fresh Gourmet toppings really do bring a different flavour to meals.  Fresh Gourmet Croutons can be used for salads, soups...

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9 year old

Schools *almost* out for Summer.

I apologise for lack of updating my blog this week. The end of the school year is coming up and things are MANIC. Well and truly busy! School discos, parties, appointments with teachers, baking cakes for school competitions (Alice in wonderland themed! I am NOT a baker, I suck at baking cakes lol. Different coloured cupcakes with flowers and maybe 'Alice in wonderland'...

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age 9


British summer

My summer bucket list. (2013)

1) Spot a lizard in the wild that's native to Britain! 2) Go to Liverpool 3) Picnics! 4) Swim in the sea 5) Take the kids crabbing 6) Lots of walks! 7) Lose 10lbs. 8) Go swimming with the kids! 9) Paddling pool! 10) Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day 11) Take lots of photos! 12) Start Christmas shopping...Eek. 13)...

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animal lover

Slow worms.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a huge reptile lover. Especially lizards! It's a shame we don't have many native reptiles in our country. Do you know, I use to have pet Iguana? (He was four, almost five foot long! But that's a post for another day!) Anyhow.. onto todays post.. Our garden is full of slow worms (Anguis fragilis). One might...

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9 year old

What have the littles been up to?

Welcome to the mummy madness is hosting this lovely blop hop about what the kids have been up to. I really love this idea for a linky and thought I would join in. If you'd like to join in pop over to welcome to the mummy madness blog and join in :-) So lets see... We'll start with Charlie. Last Sunday was Charlies 8th Birthday (I...

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end of term

Reasons to be cheerful (week 28) #R2BC

Gosh, hasn't it been hot?! Not that I'm complaining mind. We've been really blessed with lovely weather, although today is over cast and quite chilly but that's ok. It's nice to have a cool day for a chance. I hope you've all had some sunshine where ever you're from!  So my reasons to be cheerful this week... Lets seee..  1) It's almost the...

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