Reasons to be cheerful (week 28) #R2BC
Gosh, hasn't it been hot?! Not that I'm complaining mind. We've been really blessed with lovely weather, although today is over cast and quite chilly but that's ok. It's nice to have a cool day for a chance. I hope you've all had some sunshine where ever you're from!
So my reasons to be cheerful this week... Lets seee..
1) It's almost the end of term. I can not wait! Not to have to rush around, make sure school uniforms are clean and ironed, no worrying about time and will I get this and that done in time before the kids come out of school. It'll be lovely to lounge around and go at our own pace! And of course spend some quality time with the kids. I'm hoping to go visit family up north again but we shall see.
2) It was Charlies Birthday this past Sunday. He had an amazing time! You should've seen his face when he opened his present which was a tablet, he was not expecting that at all, lol! Infact I have a picture. (I've posted it on the right>>) He got some lovely presents and in the summer holidays we're going to go out somewhere for a day. Charlie chooses where we go as we didn't do a party this year. Charlie had a party last year so this year it's one of the others turn for a party. We did go for a walk so that charlie could use his new army back pack! We were "exploring" hehe. So glad he had a lovely birthday. I still can't believe he's EIGHT years old. Where does time go?!

4) Hopefully this weekend, I'll be able to meet up with an old friend and visit my family! They don't live that far away (an hour in the bus which takes a detour route lol), there's a beautiful river and a duck pond with a park over the road, so Ellie will be able to have fun, too! Yay!
And of course, tomorrow is Friday!
So there's my reasons to be happy this week. What are your reasons to be cheerful? Why not link up with Mich over at mummy from the heart and share your reasons to be happy this week :)
Sarah xXx
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