I thought I would join in with Make do and push! Instagram/Photo linky. you can join in too. Please head over to Make do and push & link up. Our kitty Lenni. And my son Charlie doing his home work. I can assure you he doesn't always sit so nicely and do it. Sometimes 'Homework time' is full of sobbing and asking "But why do I have...
Charlie doing his home work. ...
'Decorate pine cones/acorns' is one of the things on our Bucket list. So today, we decided to decorate acorns. On our way back from Tescos we stopped to collect acorns off the ground. Some had 'hats' on and some didn't. "What can we make with these?" asked Ellie I had a fab idea in mind. When we got home we decided to make "Acorn...
My daughter when she was a baby. I can't believe this photo was taken (almost) six years ago ...
(picture from Jewel candle) Jewel Candle are a company who make handmade scented candles but that's not all. Every single candle contains a hidden surprise. There is jewel worth between £10 and £250 in every single candle. As you burn the candle, the jewel will be revealed. You have the choice of either choosing a candle that contains a ring or a candle that contains...
Ahh, it's Thursday already!! I love Thursday because it means the reasons to be cheerful linky! So here are my reasons to be cheerful this week.... 1) The weather - It's been quite warm and sunny and I am so grateful for that because winter isn't far ahead so we should make the most of the weather. I've enjoyed a couple of walks...
I love quotes. There has been times in my life where quotes have really helped me. It might sound daft to you, but it's true. I found this quote on google a while back and thought it would be perfect to share for Wednesdays words. Do you have a favourite quote? I'd love to hear it! You can also link up to Wednesday Words which...
This weeks #TheGallery theme is 'Faces' so I decided to share lots of pics I've taken over the past few months of our faces, lol! I wish my eldest (H) would let me take more photos of him. As he's got older he's become camera shy. I usually have to bribe him to let me take a photograph of him, lol. I know...
This is a photograph of my great nan with her cat 'Peter'. I think this picture was taken in the late 70s. She passed away when I was little but not a day goes by that I don't miss her. I remember a lot about her. She loved to bake, she made the BEST apple crumble. And she always smelled so sweet, aww....
Totally new to this "hey it's ok" (linky) I got this idea from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Sock at a Time. "They have a section in Glamour magazine called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on...
Fun After-School Activities For many parents, after school and weekends are the only time we get to truly enjoy with our children, and this time is usually limited further by work commitments. This might mean you literally have tea together then have half an hour or less before you start the bath/bed routine. However, if you are prepared to make the most of this...
Monday - Sausage, mash and peas served with gravy Tuesday - Home made chicken kebabs with salad. (variety of sauces) Wednesday - Pizza and fries with garlic bread or french stick. Thursday - Chicken curry with rice and naan bread. Friday - Chicken nuggets, spaghetti hoops with home made chips Saturday - Ellie's choice (boys are at there dads). Sunday - Roast dinner...
Sooo, in case you haven't noticed.. I gave my blog a makeover. Not that there was anything wrong with my old one, I just felt like a change and thought I'd do an Autumn theme. It took me ages to make the header. I'll probably use my old header again in the spring because Is till love that one, too! What do you...
Our new fur baby - Lenni. 10 weeks old (and so tiny!) ...
I'm sitting here watching titanic and I am SO incredibly bored. Don't get me wrong, it's a good film but after watching it 6000 times (probably not far off to be honest), it does get a bit boring *yawns* So I thought I would join in with But why mummy's linky. I'm new to this so do bare with me... (My kitten is chasing my...
1) Autumn Art - We love arts and crafts and Autumn is such a fun time to do that! Things like Leaf art. When you go out for a walk, look out for some different size leaves in different colours. Take them home, dip them in some paint (reds, browns, yellows etc) and print them onto some plain paper. Awesome!! Decorate pine cones....
Phew! It's almost the end of the week, thank goodness. I am really looking forward to a nice chilled weekend, no major plans, just gonna chill and hopefully do some 'Autumn Art' with Ellie this weekend, yay! Love this time of year. Anyhow, here are my reasons to be cheerful this week. 1) My cats are finally starting to get a long better....
I started blogging a long, long time ago, I've had many blogs about all sorts of things but never a public blog like this one. I was a little optimistic about starting a public blog, wondering to myself 'Why would anyone want to read about my boring life', feeling alone and bored (and a little depressed) I decided that I really wanted to...
I honestly can't believe how fast this year is going... It's just... flown by! I really love this time of year - Autumn. I love the smells and the sound of leaves crunching under my boots. Toffee apples and fruit pies! Mmm. It's not too cold but it's not warm either, perfect weather in my opinion. The nights get dark just at the...
I can not believe Ellie is six years old today. It's madness how fast time flies. Ellie was born at 12:01pm on 16th September 2013, weighing 6lb 10oz. It doesn't seem possible that she was born six years ago!! SIX!! Craziness. Ellie is really growing up, she's outgoing, out spoken and certainly an out-doorsy girl. She's smart, funny and sweet and is becoming...
Spaghetti With The Yetti is a new children's book by Adam and Charlotte Guillian & illustrated by Lee Wildish. We were lucky enough to receive a copy to review from Eggmont. We LOVE books in our house, all my kiddies love to read. 'Spaghetti with the Yeti' is fast paced rhyming story about yetis, monsters and George. ''One day George sets off up...
Lotti -15 months old(ish) It's not like I wanted to watch the T.V or anything, Lotti... Lotti -15 months old(ish) It's not like I wanted to watch the T.V or anything, Lotti... ...
I took over 3000 photos this summer! Obviously I can't share them all, but I thought I would share some of our best moments from Summer 2013. The summer started off with Charlie's Birthday at the start of July. We went to the school fete and lots of nice walks. We also visited my grandparents which was great fun as where they live...
A few weeks ago when the kids camped in the garden... Can you caption this pic? ...
They cage animals at night - Jennings Burch. "Burch was left at an orphanage and never stayed at any one foster home long enough to make any friends. This is the story of how he grew up and gained the courage to reach out for love." Not the best written book I must say BUT it is a sad, true life story about...