Yay! It's Thursday which means reasons to be cheerful time! I really love this linky, hehe. Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week. 1) It's Halloween and the kids are so excited! We're going to do some more Halloween baking later, make some Halloween Jellies and go trick or treating for a little while this evening. Oh, not forgetting the Halloween...
Me and the kids made 'slime green cakes' for Halloween. I used this recipe and just added green food colouring & Halloween decorations! They are the kids own creations, the decorated them entirely themselves! Tomorrow will be filled with pumpkin carving, making halloween jellies, watching Halloween movies and perhaps some more baking! The kids are ever so excited! We will be going...
Gosh, hasn't the weather been crazy?! I do hope you're all safe. The wind picked up here in Essex the early hours of the morning. When I woke up at half past five this morning, the wind was pretty bad! We hadn't had that much rain yet, well compared top most places. The wind woke the kids up, they were actually quite curious...
Ellie went to a Halloween party last night, this is her before the party :-) ...
This is a photo that Ellie took of herself....... On the webcam lol. ...
Today has been stressful. It's just been on of those days. Actually October has been one of *those* months. You know, where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong?! Well, it's been a bit like that for me! I'm so not in the mood to go into everything right now but gah! Talk about stressful. Thinks could always be worse, or at...
1) I am so grateful for the NHS. I know it does get bashed an awful lot but honestly? Without it, we wouldn't be able to afford health care. Yes, there might be long waiting lists and yes they are incredibly short staffed.. there are lots of "faults" but we should all be very grateful that the NHS exsists! I'm grateful it does.....
I'm a little bit late posting this post but it's better late than never! On Sunday, my eldest turned ten. I can't believe that Harry is already ten years old! He had a fab birthday. He spent Saturday and Sunday morning with his dad and got to open all of his pressies from his dads sde of the family. In the afternoon he...
If you're looking to save some money why not check out www.cloudfreebies.co.uk. It's also great for freebies, free samples and money off coupons! As well as competitions. as you can see, it is really easy to navigate & very well organised. Looks appealing, too. Cloud freebies is a website with a whole a roundup of all things available for free.From money off coupons...
10 Today! ...
Yesterday, I spent mst of the day at the hospital with my grandparents as my nan has hurts her ribs. We wanted to make sure nothing is broken. It's not. Just very badly bruised. I feel awful for her, she can barely move. She has brittle bones and suffers tremendously with a bad back, so add the bruised ribs to that... Not good....
Can you caption this pic of Charlie that I took at the park the other day? ...
Gosh, I can't believe we're OVER half way thru October already!! Where has this gone?! Time flies. It's a lovely sunny day today. Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week: 1) Harry, my eldest will be ten on Sunday. A whole decade old. It's totally bittersweet watching him grow up. I love seeing him learn and become independent but at...
Ugh, this weather sucks!! It's pouring down with rain today, it's cold, it's dull and just miserable. The kids are bored so I decided to dig out the good ol'e bored games. Bingo is our family favourite game. Although Harry didn't want to play today... Apparently it's for babies lol. Charlie and Ellie wanted to play though. Charlie won one game and Ellie...
Saying Goodbye To Warsaw by Michael Cargill "Like any girl who is loved by her family, Abigail Nussbaum loves to chase butterflies, enjoys lying on her back looking for shapes in the clouds, and happily teaches young children to make daisy chains.In the eyes of certain people, however, Abigail has committed a heinous crime. The year is 1940; the place is Poland; Abigail...
When the kids came out of school today they were in hypo mode, lol. It was quite sunny, a lovely Autumn afternoon and not too cold, we really should be making the most of the nicer weather now as winter really isn't far behind. So I thought we would go to the park so they could burn off some of the energy they...
I love meal planning. I save money because I know exactly what to buy from the supermarket each week and it is so nice being organised and knowing what to cook each evening! I don't always meal plan because I like to use ups bits and bobs that are left in the freezer and cupboards. Monday - Battered chicken with fries (I need...
We're doing well with our Autumn bucket list so far. That's three or four things done already, yay! Today Ellie & I decided we were going to do some painting and gluing while the boys were at there dads. It didn't cost us anything to do either, we already had the paints, glue etc. Kids poster paints are really cheap! I got ours...
I am seriously crazy about owls. I've always, always loved owls. Ellie, my six year old daughter is also crazy about owls. We are just an 'owl crazy' household, lol. Today I had to pop into Tesco to pick up a few bits and bobs that we needed. I always check out the sales while I'm in there to see if I can...
'Do I look pretty mummy?' My daughter Ellie tried on some of her play lipstick, lol. Aww. ...
Today Ellie and I spent the afternoon baking. We made Vanilla Cupcakes. Preheat oven at 180 degrees. Add the butter and caster sugar to the mixing bowl. Cream together until the mixture goes pale. Beat the eggs (a little at a time) into the butter/sugar mixture.Add the vanilla extract/flavouring and stir the mixture. Add a little flour at a time and fold...
This is my kitty, Lenni. Awww. ...
As most of my regular readers know, I am no good at baking. I can COOK but I can't bake to save my life! Well, I've decided it's time to change that, so I am trying out some really easy baking recipes. I'm really enjoying teaching myself to bake. The other day I tried very easy flapjack which has then inspired me to try raspberry...
Phew. I'm finally able to sit down and blog for a bit. I was SO busy yesterday I had no chance to get online. Today has been busy so far and I have a busy afternoon, too but I'm happy to say I've got enough to time to hop online and write my reasons to be cheerful post. So here are my reasons...
I suck at baking, I honestly do. Every time I attempt to try to bake cookies, they never really look or taste like cookies. Even the pre packaged stuff I seem to mess up! Same with cupcakes... However, I have decided I need to practice baking, so practice I will do. So, starting easy. Very easy. I decided to attempt flapjack. Every time...
Harry's Birthday is fast approaching. He's going to be TEN years old. A whole decade. I can not believe that my little baby boy, my first born is doing to be ten years old. Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with him. *sigh* Time goes too fast and the kids are growing up...
Casey Watson - Breaking the Silence. "The Watsons are astonished when they answer their front door to find their case worker with a small boy on the doorstep. Jenson is just nine years old. He was removed from his home thirty minutes earlier when it was discovered his mother had left him at home while she went on holiday with her boyfriend. A...
Beautiful sunset one evening this week. ...
(An old photo of Ellie when she was a toddler) ...
1) Ellie's reading has really, really improved, as has her spelling. She is really sounding out words properly now rather than trying to guess. I love hearing her read every evening and seeing (and hearing!) how much she's improved since last year! She's also attending reading club once a week, after school. Which she loves :-) 2) We went to the pier on...
This weeks theme is thru the eyes of my phone. (Love this theme). We went to the pier the other day, just on the 2p machine's and the kids went on one of those little 50p rides each, all the big rides were closed. Any way, I charged my camera up ready... got to the pier and I'd forgot to put my memory...
I got this idea from Amber over at Airing my dirty laundry, one sock at a time. "They have a section in glamour magazine called 'Hey It's Ok' and will list a bunch of things to be ok about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you...
Another Autumnal post from me today, lol. I know I say this allll the time but I seriously do love this time of year. For me, it's the best time of year. So far we have achieved two of our goals from my Autumn Bucket List. Or three if we consider the walk as an Autumn walk (but I have the ideal place to...