
The best and worst moments lately.


The positives and negatives this week. The best and worst lately.

I thought I'd share with you, some of the positives and negatives as of lately. I've been quite busy and trying to keep up with everyday life.

Negatives this week: 

I've had headaches on and off (It's the IIH flaring up, I wrote about it before so I won't go into again) but hopefully I'll receive a neurologist appointment soon.  I am finally over the cold I had though! Horah!

My internet is very temperamental. It keeps going on and off, last night was horrendous. I ended up phoning the internet service provider. I may need a technician to come and fix it. I have no blog posts scheduled so I really need to get onto that!

I've had a few things on my mind and it's made me a bit anxious and felt a bit down but I'm getting over it now and feel much better today! I'm sure having a cold and headaches on and off hasn't helped.

I weighed myself and I've gained 2 stone since this time last year which is very depressing. Still, loosing weight will give me something to focus on! I'm sure once I've lost some weight, I'll feel much better in myself and way more confident! I know it certainly helped last time.

Rainy day in may

It's peeing down today! This is actually a positive and negative. I'm grateful it's cooler but I'd liked to have got some walking in but not in the rain! I don't need another cold any time soon.

Positives this week: 

River in May

The weather has been amazing (Shame it isn't amazing today!) and we've been enjoying the weather a lot. The kids have bee playing out in the garden and around the culd-de-sac with there friends. They really enjoy riding there bikes and scooters. They also had a water fight on Sunday because it was SO hot! That was fun.

Ellie and I enjoyed a really lovely adventure, exploring the countryside around us. It was great fun. We saw some sheep and lots of pretty views and flowers. Ellie found a foxes hole (or perhaps a rabbit/badger but it was a rather big hole). We had a lovely afternoon, just the two of us while the boys were spending time with there dad.

Beautiful view

I'm back on the whole eating healthy and working out. I start working out this evening. I'm going to do the thirty day shred again.

I've been reading again! I love reading so much. I'm currently reading 'The Other Child' by Lucy Adams and I'm really enjoying it. Very good story indeed (Look out for my review). I also found this lovely little note card inside which the previous owner must have popped in. It made my day (It's the little things). What a lovely idea. I'm going to leave it in there when I donate it back to the shop.. I hope it makes the next readers day, too.

A book note inside a book

I feel like my blog is doing well. My traffic has increased ever so slightly, which is always a good thing! I've been really trying. I need to work more on my social media and interacting more but I am really not a very sociable person and I find it difficult. I would like to get to know my followers on twitter though! Everyone seems to lovely and very friendly :)

Things to look forward to:

Charlie is currently sitting his year 6 SATS but is half way through them after today. I am looking forward to him finishing them because I know he'll be relieved. The amount of pressure they put on kids these days!! I won't get started on that though. I am very, very, proud of him and he deserves a treat this weekend. Not sure what yet but I'll figure something out.

Half term can't come soon enough, haha. I look forward to the break from the school routine and plus, we're hoping to go on a picnic and perhaps a day at the beach or somewhere a bit different :) I miss the kids when they're at school. The house is so empty and quiet.

I'm going to have a look in a couple of charity shops sometime this week - for books! I need a larger print most of the time because of my eyes but charity shops are a great place to find what I'm looking for! I'm all for recycling and it's a lot cheaper. I have a pile to also donate to my local charity shop along with a couple of other random things.

We're looking forward to better weather, not too hot though please!

What are your best and worst moments lately? Let me know in the comments, I do love reading your best and worst bits :)

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com
Best of Worst

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart
A Cornish Mum

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  1. I haven't weighted myself for ages. I possibly gained way over 2 stones in the last 3 years. R

  2. You'll lose the extra weight, don't worry about that. I like going to charity shops to look for books too, even though I started getting books from the library. This way I don't have to buy them and storage is another issue too.

  3. It's good to always think of the positives as well as the negatives. Great news that you've been able to read more because it will surely give you time to relax x

  4. I can so identify with some of those worst moments. The weight gain, especially :( Hope it all is better next week for you x

  5. The positives tend to outweigh the negatives but it shouldn't be the case. Great post.

  6. It is great to see your positives - I too am looking forward to half term - we are off to France! I have stopped worrying about my weight, I try and count my blessings instead. Kaz x

  7. I write a happy list every week, as I find it really helps me to find the positive when it can feel like it's been a bad week. x

  8. It's always good to balance the positives and negatives. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Ahh, very sorry to hear about the headaches, that must be so annoying. Also temperamental internet makes me want to flip a table haha.

    Corinne x

  10. I hope you can get the headaches sorted..must be a horrible niggle.Having a goal with your weight is always good and hopefully you will reach your target. The weather has been amazing...it better come back for your half term!! Hope the SATs go ok....too much pressure for these little ones eh? Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst xx

  11. It's so easy to put on weight, isn't it, and so much hard work to shift it. You can do it though, and the exercise and healthy eating will certainly help. Here's to a better week this week!

  12. I really hope you get the headaches sorted out, can't be nice. My internet has been rubbish recently too! The rain however...oh yesterday doing the school run in it was just horrible.

  13. |It is good always seeing the positives as well as the negatives. xx

  14. Great to look at the positives too. Hope the headaches are better? Negatives for us is we are all I'll. Positives is hopefully the nice weather staying for the weekend x

  15. I keep losing the same half a stone!! Your walk looks lovely. Glad you found plenty of positives :-)

  16. Love the country views in the photos and good luck with the weight loss too x

  17. I always find its important to focus on the positives as well as the negatives. It's so easy to get caught up.

  18. I love getting charity shop books too, I love giving unloved books a home. I hide you find some good ones and feel better soon xx #BestAndWorst

  19. You live near some beautiful countryside and I love that beach. Good luck with the weight loss - it'll be easier now that the weather is better.

  20. Good weather always make me feel better. As for cruddy internet, that would irritate the crap out of me lol

  21. I have three stone to lose, too, and it is making me so down. I hate it and I am not confident, and I feel fat and disgusting and, ultimately, sad. I am glad that you had the positives though, well done on increasing your blog traffic, that is good going!
    I have just followed you on twitter, my name is @cradley_ .

  22. Ohh lots going on Sarah, how fab that you got some girlie time and good luck to Charlie in is SATS. Mich x #RBC

  23. Hope the tests went well. Oh you sound lie me with the weight gain I could do with the motivation though to actually lose it!!

  24. This is a good idea, writing the bests and the worsts. A great way to help you focus on the bests too. So long as they out way the worsts xx

  25. Sounds like an up and down week, we always need the shade to appreciate the light! If you need help on twitter give me a shout x

  26. I love that you end up adding positive bits on to the negatives, dwelling on the negative is never helpful so its good you have a great balance. I read a book recently for the first time in about a year, it was bliss just losing myself in the pages :)

    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix hopefully we'll see you there again tomorrow :)

    Stevie x


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