I hope we can complete most of it this month! I am also hoping for much better weather in June so we can have our picnic we've been planning for the last six weeks. I shall share a May bucket list update within the next couple of days :) What's on your bucket list for June or what are your goals? ...
On Friday, it was the start of half term for the youngest two, they had an inset day. Unfortunately, Harry had to go to school as he did not have an inset day but it is now officially half term for all three. Me and the two youngest made the most of the weather as it was warm and sunny! Which has been...
book review
Mummy’s Little Soldier: A troubled child. An absent mum. A shocking secret by Casey Watson {Book Review}
"Casey’s Unit is, as ever, full of troubled, disaffected pupils, and new arrival Leo is something of a conundrum.Thirteen year old Leo isn’t a bad lad – in fact, he’s generally polite and helpful, but he’s in danger of permanent exclusion for repeatedly absconding and unauthorised absences. Despite letters being sent home regularly, his mother never turns up for any appointments, and when...
The other day, we went for a walk around our local woodland and this tree is very, very old! It's been struck by lightening a few times! I use to climb this tree when I was little and it was fun to watch my children climb it :) Sarah xXx ...
We were sent some lovely 'Animal Skin Rubbing Plates' to review from Baker Ross. we were also sent a box of 24 crayola crayons along with the plates. The rubbing plates come in a pack of four and are double sided (A different design on each side) which means there are 8 assorted designs including, Leopard, Cow, Zebrea, Tiger, Giraffe, Feathers, Fish Scales...
Gosh, it's time for the weekly bits and bobs again - The highs and lows of this past week! That week soon flew by! Here are my best 7 worst bits. Negatives. The weather is still rubbish. It really effects my mood because I can't go out and power walk/slow jog, I never know if it's going to rain or not. Usually it...