
January #50books2014 round up.

Phew! It's finally the end of January, is it just me or has January gone really slow?! It's just a depressing month, after the holidays and what not. It's also been a bit hectic for most (don't ask me how I've managed to get in as much reading as I have because I do not know. Actually, I do. I stay up until...

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My bargain of the week!

I got Ellie two tops.. they were £4 each or two for £6. From Tesco.  So I got two. Bargain! She choose them herself, I knew she'd pick the cat one, lol.  The boys certainly do not need clothes, they have too many as it is lol.  It's there turn next time, I generally only buy things when they need them.  Have you...

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The Gallery


This weeks #TheGallery theme is: Rewind.    This is Harry and Charlie (tiny baby!) in 2005!  And this is Ellie in 2007.    Ellie, Harry and Charlie. Look how much they've grown!!  Sarah xXx   Thestickyfingersblog.com   ...

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Point And Shoot

 We went to TESCO's at the weekend.  Ellie got some angry birds sweets thingy for a treat!  After we'd finished in the store, we went into the cafe and got a slush Yummooo! I'm a big kid, ha! =p ...

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arts and crafts

Valentines heart mice made from card {Kids arts & Crafts}

The weather is so cold, it's too cold to go out and way to wet! So we decided to make some Valentines mice using card and glitter! We have so much card left over from other projects as well as glitter, this is such a good way to use those up! For this you'll need: A sheet of red card (per mouse) or...

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Our weekly meal plan

Monday - Sausage, home made potato wedges and peas. Tuesday - Mexican chicken wraps with salad Wednesday - Home made beef burger (and salad) with fries Thursday - All day breakfast. Friday - Soup with french stick Saturday - Tuna and pasta Sunday - Roast dinner. What's on your meal plan this week? Sarah xXx ...

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365 project

Project 365 {week 4} & The week that was captured

19th January - Finally Harry let me take his photo! He's not a great fan of having his photo taken usually, lol. 20th January - We had a lovely sunset, so pretty! 21st January - The crack in my phone got bigger and worse. I dropped it a few weeks ago, there was only one crack but now there's more. :( Not sure...

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#SilentSunday and #MySundayPhoto


Saturday caption.. #SatCap

Can you caption this photo of Charlie?  It's an old photo, taken in 2010. ...

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childrens book review

Mr Tumble's Big Book Of Counting {childrens book review}

We were asked if we'd like to review Mr Tubmbles big book of counting. Ellie, my six year old daughter loves Mr Tumble! Ellie couldn't wait to count along with Mr Tumble's Big Book Book Of Counting. She counted from one to five, admiring each page and could even read some of the words herself! I already know that she can count to...

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Reasons to be cheerful {week 4} #R2BC

1) Ellie was poorly last night but she seems better now, thank goodness. I just hope the boys don't catch it! And I don't want it either, I am so glad Ellie is better though! Hate it when the kids are poorly, I feel so helpless. 2) I got new boots in the sale on Tuesday! Yay! They were £20 marked down to...

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New boots! #Bargainoftheweek

It's very rare that I actually buy anything for myself but this was just to good of a bargain to miss out on. Usually I'm buying things for the kids, paying bills and buying the groceries and essentials.  I always feel so guilty about spending money on myself. The other day I went for a look around the shops, I spotted these boots...

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A cat that grieves...

Ugh, I have had this horrendeous headache ALL day! I slept for four hours while the kids were at school & I slept solid which isn't like me! I'm lucky if I sleep an hour solid. I thought perhaps laying flat would help, but apparently not! I hope the pressure in my brain isn't building up again, I could do without another lumbar...

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365 project

Slumberdown Anti-Allergy Pillows {review}

I love new bedding and especially new pillows! There's nothing quite like sinking into bed with fresh, new bedding on. I find that fresh, comfortable bedding and pillows really do help get a good nights sleep and who can put a price on that? It's also important to change your bedding every so often to reduce things like dust mites. Check out Slumberdown's...

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The Gallery

A beautiful sky #TheGallery

This weeks theme for 'The Gallery' is something beautiful. On Monday there wasa very beautiful sunset.... Very beautiful considering it's winter! It was lovely to see the sun for a while. We're back to having cold, dull, miserable, wet weather now. Ahh, roll on spring I say! Sarah xXx ...

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summer 2013

Spongebob.. #WordlessWednesday!

Ellie with Spongebob, Summer 2013 ...

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meal plan

Meal plan Monday #MealPlanningMonday

  Monday - Sausages, potato wedges and spaghetti hoops Tuesday - Selection of pizza's with fries Wednesday - Cheese & potato pie with chicken and peas Thursday - Home made kebabs Friday - Chicken curry with rice and naan bread Saturday - Baked potato with cheese (or beans) with salad Sunday - Sunday roast dinner. ...

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book review

Curlilocks And The Three Pink Pandas {Children's book review}

Curlilocks And The Three Pink Pandas by Yolanda King is a children's book. We were asked if we would like to review the kindle edition of this book and of course, I said yes because we love books! I enjoy reading to my children and I'm always on the look out for new books! "Curlilocks likes pancakes, blueberries and butterflies. She forgets her...

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365 project

365 project {week 3}

     12th January - We walked to Tescos, the sky was SO blue and it wasn't all that cold! I couldn't resist taking a photo of this tree. The same tree I took a photo of back in the Autumn, you can see that pic here. 13th January - Ellie in her hat/scarlf thingy that my little sister gave to her. Ellie...

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silent sunday

A creative silent Sunday. #SilentSunday & #MySundayPhoto

My silent Sunday pic is a picture that Ellie made at school.  Can you guess what it is?   onedad3girls.com ...

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age 6

Saturday is caption day...

Can you caption this pic?  My daughter Ellie. ...

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back to school

Reasons to be cheerful {week 3} #R2BC

Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week.. 1) The weather has been really lovely here. Blue skies and sunshine! It has been a bit chilly and certainly had it's dull moments but to be honest, I'm just pleased to see the sun, even if it isn't for very long. 2) The kids have settled back into school really well. All three...

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Blog hop

New #TheGallery

This week's #TheGallery theme in 'New' and it just so happens that this week I need to start using my new owl notepad that the kids brought me for Christmas, yay! I love new notepads... or any stationary to be honest. It's full of new blank pages, lots of pages to write down my blogging ideas and things that I need to remember....

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bakerdays cake review

Bakerdays Personalised Cake {Review}

We were asked if we would like to review a cake from bakerdays.com from the Valentines range. I picked the Valentines floral cake. It's bright colours and pretty pattern caught my eye! Bakerdays.com is a website that makes it easy to order personalised cakes, they sell all kinds of cakes including personalised Birthcay cakes & Cupcakes. There are so many cakes to choose from,...

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Blog hop


Taken 5th January 2014. Taken 5th January 2014. ...

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Love the little things {week 2}

Read I've finished reading the The Stark Series. I really liked them! If you liked fifty shades of grey, I think you'll like 'The Stark Series' too! I reviewed them in my January book reviews post. I finished those last week but haven't really felt like reading much (or doing anything if I'm honest) the past few days as I had out little...

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