
Twas the night before Christmas...

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house..  Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care  In hopes that St Nicholas would soon be there...  - Clement Clarke Moore  I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas.   PS I'll be away for a week or so, not sure if I'll have...

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Blog hop

R2BC (20/12/12)

OooOo FIVE days until Christmas!!! Who's excited? We all are in this house! I seriously can not wait! Hehe. Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week :)  1) I have finished ALL Christmas shopping, including food shopping! I only need the kids selection boxes or something like that... Gotta have some chocolates for Christmas day, hehe. I'm so excited. Excited to...

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Blog hop

R2BC (16/12/12)

Omdz, I totally forgot to post my reasons to be cheerful on Thursday! Better late than never? Right? 1) I've finished my Christmas shopping! Yay! Just grocery shopping to go... 2) El had her Nativity play at school "Not Such A Silent night" it was called! She wasn't on stage but I loved hearing her sing and doing all the actions, so cute!...

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Pressure pushing down on me

I've been feeling a little rundown lately. I don't know if it's because I'm coming down with something or because I am so stressed! The holiday season can be rather stressful can't it?! I don't know why I'm stressing about it really, everything is almost brought, plans are in place... but still I stress! Charlie has changed his mind about wanting a bike...

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R2BC (07/12/2012)

Eek. A day late on posthing my reasons to be cheerful this week. I have been SO busy though.. Here's my reasons this week: 1) Last Saturday we went Christmas shopping to a different town. It was GREAT! I had no kids with me, I could take my time and not have to worry! It was truly fab. I picked up some lovely...

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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Gosh, I have been really busy! And it's all go from now on, right up until Christmas! No rest for the wicked, eh? Lol. I've been busy getting organised ready for Christmas, yesterday we put the Christmas tree up. I did a red, green and silver theme this year. It looks soooo pretty and the pictures don't do it any justice but honestly...

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R2BC (29/11/12)

So... how has everyones week been? Mine has been quite good (minus the headaches). Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week. 1) I have made a wonderful start on my Christmas presents! I was so worried but everything is starting to fall into place now. We're not going overboard this year as the kids really do not need LOADS. I'm hopefully...

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Jewelfone review.

Jewelfone sent me these lovely earphones to review. Jewelfone have five styles to choose from, I was lucky enough to be sent the 'Jewelfone Fever' ones to review. Earphones are a big thing to me. I am always listening to music or youtube. I really dislike the standard ones that I brought for my laptop, they're so plain and boring.. same with the ones...

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R2BC (22/11/12)

My reasons  to be cheerful this week... Hmm.  1)My children make me happy to no end, as does my amazing fella. I feel very blessed to have three amazing, healthy children and a wonderful fella who helps me no end. I can not express how lucky I feel to have the above. :) 2) I've won a couple of competitions lately, a couple...

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arts and crafts

What are your Christmas traditions?

Things have been crazy busy here! I haven't had much time to blog, if my posts aren't very often it really is because I've not had chance to get on the computer. I'm currently trying to write a Christmas food list but I keep getting interrupted so I thought I'd leave it a while and write here instead. We've been busy doing Christmas crafts, making...

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Blog hop

R2BC (15/1112)

What a week!! I defiantly need to remind myself reasons to be cheerful.  1) I am so excited for Christmas, seriously I can't wait! Although I've barely started Xmas shopping, I am really, REALLY looking foward to spending Christmas with my kids and fella. It's going to be great. 2) I blitzed upstairs and the kitchen earlier. It needed doing badly, I haven't really done...

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Children in need

The one that's random.

Just a quick post to say I am still here & I haven't forgotten about my blog. It's been one busy week this week! I've been really tired this week, I'm sure it's something to do with my brain condition, although this cold weather probably doesn't help. I have SO much to do. Seriously. I am going to do some housework tonight when...

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silent sunday

Silent Sunday

Blog hop

R2BC (8/11/12)

My reasons to be cheerful this week...  Here's what makes me cheerful, or rather WHO makes me cheerful. :)  My fella, my babies and my kitty My little family  Sarah xXx Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. ...

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Need some inspiration.

Remember a few weeks ago when I said I needed to lose weight? Well, I worked really hard, quit junk food and fizzy drinks & worked out. Then I got ill. I had flu for over a week! And I still have a sore throat, this is the third week now. I totally fell off the bandwagon at losing weight and I've actually GAINED weight, ugh. I'm...

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Silent Sunday



I was tagged by Mama Owl a few days ago, only just remembered about it. Oops. Things that really get on my nerves. This could be long, i'll try to keep it short though, lol! I am in a really ranty, whiney mood this evening :-/ Oh dear. *Early mornings. UGH. Today started at around 5: 40am for me. Yuck. I seriously am NOT a morning...

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Blog hop

R2BC (01/11/12)

I have SO much to be cheerful about today! I've had a fab week. So lets go... 1) On Monday we went to the cinema with the kids and watched Hotel Transalyvania 3D. What a fab film. We all throughly enjoyed it. It was mine and the kids first time seeing a 3D film. My daughters reaction was funny, she was all like...

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Silent Suday.


Reasons to be cheerful (25/10/12)

1) I have FINALLY started my Christmas shopping, well the kids main presents. I am hoping they will be delivered tomorrow. Seriously, I am really worried about how am gonna afford everything year! Money is so tight and everything seems so expensive but I know we'll be ok. I think because the Christmas countdown seems to be on EVERYWHERE I go it makes...

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A few goals to achieve before Christmas.

Evening peeps. My friend Laura has inspired me to write this post. After reading her achievements  I really want to set myself a few goals to achieve by Christmas. So, here goes. 1) Have all Christmas presents brought by December 12th. I know this is a bit "late" still but for me it'll be a big achievement because I usually leave all the xmas shopping until...

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9 year old

9 years ago...

My eldest son will be NINE tomorrow. Nine years old already. I can not believe it, seriously time goes too fast and babies grow up too fast. He is my first born and we share a special bond (like I do with my other two children). He has taught me a lot, he taught me to grow up. He's nine going on nineteen and I...

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R2BC (19/1012)

1) It is half term next week. I am actually really looking forward to it! We have a few things planned like take the kids to the cinema (hopefully, I have had to save for this!) and what not.  2) It is my eldest sons Birthday on Saturday! He will be NINE! NINE years old. I can't believe it! We'll be celebrating tomorrow...

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How to get freebies/samples. *What I do*

I thought I would share this with you all.. I've had some really lovely freebies lately, some I've already tried and therefore haven't taken pictures of. Like the BB cream but you can read my review by clicking here and there was another BB cream that I got a free sample of and I actually entered a competition to win the BB cream, and I...

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The one where O2 drives me nuts.

(Image from google) This post will probably be a bit ranty because well, I'm pee'd off. With O2. I'm pay as you go btw.  See, I phoned them to change my mobile number because I keep getting those weird marketing text message, you know the ones that go a bit like "The bank owes you £2,000 loan fees" or whatever. Thing is I don't...

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All things piratey

The boys had a pirate day today at school. They had to dress up as pirates, unfortunately I didn't think to take picture because I am poorly but they looked so cute with their bandanas  and eye patches etc lol. They also had a 'pirate lunch' at school, fish/scampi bites or fish cake or fish fingers, wedges or fries, lemonade as a nice treat and I can't...

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R2BC (11/10/12)

I am not very well today. I woke up with a sore throat and rotten cold. Actually, I thought I was coming down with something yesterday but woke up this morning feeling 10x worse. SO I am going to keep this simple. 1) I am grateful that I have a wonderful fella who is looking after me when i'm ill. He's doing all the cooking...

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Fire Engines and random stuff.

It's my nephew's 2nd Birthday this weekend. I had no idea what to get him, then I remember he liked fire engines, so there was online look for fire engine related things, then I thought to myself "I bet he was one of those already" and "yup, he deffo has one those" Then I came across the Fire engine pop up tent that Argos sell. That's...

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9 year old

R2BC (4/10/12)

I have had an ok week this week. Yesterday was a bit of a craptastic day but it did get better... Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week: 1) It is FINALLY October. I love October. The smells of Autumn, pumpkin carving really for Halloween, Halloween, my eldest sons 9th Birthday is in a couple of weeks (I can't believe he's...

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The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.

Look how cute my kitten looks all curled up asleep on my bed lol, doesn't look very comfy does it?! Still adorable though. Aww.  We've had a fair bit of rain the past few days, not as much as some places though. ARGH! I don't know WHAT has gotten into my kids tonight! Actually, I do KNOW... lack of sleep. Up at 5:30am....

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I want...

I was tagged by Julie aka Mama Owl to post my wants, lol. 1) I want to have a bath in peace. I want to not be woken up at 5am I want a new pair of boots (also NEED them) I want to be able to spend some money on new clothes without having to feel guilty about spending money on myself for once....

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It's all about me (Tagged)

I was tagged by the lovely Julie, (Mama Owl). I love being tagged, hehe :) When was the last time you cried? I actually can't remember. It must've been ages ago. I'm not really a crier to be honest. Are you named after anyone? My name is actually Sarah-Lea. My mum always liked the name *Sarah-Lea*, all of her dolls were called Sarah-Lea, when she...

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R2BC (27/9/12)

EEK! I have been neglecting my blog, again. I will get back into it, it's just.. I've been so busy and had headaches on and off again so sitting on a computer really hasn't been my priority right now. I've been reading your blogs here and there when I've had time, though. Anyhow here are my reasons to be cheerful :-) 1) Yesterday...

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R2BC (20/9/12)

I have had a busy week this week and had a headache most days BUT I have plenty to be cheerful about. 1) It was my daughters 5th Birthday last weekend, we took her to the castle, looked around the museum, had lunch in the park & she played on the playground and bouncy castles, it was a lot of fun! She got...

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I was tagged by Mama Owl. This tag was originally started by Mummy Central. (You can link up with Mummy Central.) Kids are always asking why, so here some question I want to ask WHY. Why do I always have to repeat myself? Why, when you take you socks off can't you take them both off in the same place? Why do I have to...

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Castles and Birthday!

Thanks to everyone who wished Ellie happy birthday! She had a fab weekend. On Saturday we tok her out to Colchester castle (in north Essex!) We went on the train to Colchester Castle, looked around inside, which is now a museum... lots of fascinating things, got a chippy lunch and ate in the park! Ellie went on the playground for a bit, she LOVED it....

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1,2,3.. R2BC (13/09/12)

1) Yesterday I had some luck! I received a note thru my door from royal mail saying that they had tried to deliver a parcel but I wasn't home so it was waiting at the depot for me. I was all "Eh, I'm not expecting anything" So a few hours later I went to collect it! It was a tube of BB cream...

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aged 5

Monday Madness.

I haven't been able to get motivated properly today, I've just pottered about which is not good! I should be keeping on top of things... at least I cleared the laundry though! That is such a mission, lol. Tomorrow I need to get the rest of Elicias birthday bits, can't believe she'll be FIVE this coming Sunday, where does time go?! We've decided...

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Blog hop

1,2,3.. R2BC (6/9/12)

1) The kids are back to school & we are back into routine. I LOVE my routines and I have missed it. Ellie loves primary school, Charlie loves junior school and so far Harry loves being in year 4! Yay. 2) I sorted thru the kids rooms the other day and I threw away so much junk/broken toys, took some toys to the...

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back to school

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho if it's off to school they go

Phew. Just this second sat down. Wonder if I can get in a quick post without being interrupted, seriouly my house is chaotic, if it's not the kids it's  the kitten lol, if it's not the kitten it's the phone or there's somebody at the door or I just end up cleaning or something, lol. The joys eh?! But I wouldn't have it any...

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back to school

So tired.

Honestly, I am just so tired. I have no idea what is wrong with me lately, I just feel tired. Constantly. All. The. Time. It's driving me mad! I think I might be anemic, again. I don't know but I am going to the doctors because it is not normal to feel THIS tired all the time. I hada good 8.5 hours sleep...

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First day of September.

Phew. Summer holidays are almost over, it's been fun & everything but now I just need my routine back... and so do the kids! They go back Tuesday, they have all there new uniforms and lunch boxes. Still yet to get there winter coats though, I've no idea where to get them from. My eldest son (he's almost 9) doesn't like the ones...

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back to school

1,2,3.. R2BC.

I've really been neglecting my blog recently but I just haven't had the time to update! So I'll start with a R2BC post =) 1) I've had a wonderful few weeks with the kids & my fella. I went to Liverpool and had a really amazing time!  He goes home tomorrow, I'm going to miss him but I know it'll only be a...

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Short Break.

I promise I haven't vanished. I am still here, kind of. I was poorly during the week with a tummy bug, vomiting every 15 mins, I have just gotten over that and now I have a rotten cold and just feel very blah! I will update when I feel better, I promise. I feel like I am neglecting my blog and all my...

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British summer

Just a quick thank you & Happy weekend.

I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for all your lovely comments. I really love reading them all. I know I suck at commenting and replying back but I promise I do read them! Also, I know I haven't been the best blogger lately. (Still suffering with the annoying headache - driving me insane) Anyhow, how are you all enjoying the...

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1,2,3.. R2BC

1) My fella is here!!! Yay!! Always a great reasons to be cheerful. I miss him SO much when he is not here. When he is here I am so much happier and just.. well, we work so well as a team, it's lovely to have some company and some help. 2) Today we took the kids on a picnic by the river...

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British summer

Feeling Hot! Hot! Hot!

Gosh, it has been SO hot here today. Me and the kids lounged around in the garden most of the day... well no, ALL day. I thought to myself "Oh, I'll get a lovely tan" Didn't think of applying sun cream to myself (I did the kids obviously) because I never burn. Ever. Then mid afternoon I came inside and realised I had...

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British summer


1) Today it's sunny! This is a reason to be cheerful as we really haven't had much sunshine at all lately. Typical British Summer. 2) Tomorrow is the last day of term for SIX WEEKS. Lots of lazy mornings, no more rushing around (I've been saying this for weeks - I CAN NOT WAIT!) 3) My kitten is better, poor little Lotti has...

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Review: Maybelline BB cream (free sample)

I requested this via facebook you can click here to request yours. It's simply a click away, all you have to do it 'like' them on facebook then enter your details. It took only a few days for this to arrive in the post. I received three sachets of the same tone.  I was so excited to try this! I couldn't wait to see what...

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